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Join the Brotherhood



Becoming a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity requires an investment of your personal time, talents, and money. We are not looking for candidates who are not interested in serving the communities in which they live. We are not seeking candidates who do not take academic excellence seriously. Most importantly, We are not interested in individuals whose actions will put the organization’s brand and well-being at risk. This ship does not need anchors.

An Alpha Phi Alpha member’s greatest interest is outside himself. We value those who believe that their membership in Alpha Phi Alpha is the presentation of their personal commitment to time-valued words such as KNOWLEDGE, ACHIEVEMENT, SERVICE, INTEGRITY, QUALITY, HONOR, EXCELLENCE, and COMMUNITY.



Manly Deeds,  Scholarship, and   Love For All  Mankind


  • Eligibility for College Chapter Membership
    Any male student of an accredited college may be presented as a candidate for membership in a college chapter provided that he: Attends an institution where an active chapter is located (Membership is not available for individuals attending an online university that does not have a chapter seat. Membership is only available for individuals attending the school where the chapter seat is located.) Has successfully completed one semester or two quarters of a regular year’s program Is a full-time student taking courses leading to his first academic degree Is in good academic standing with a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.5 on a 4.0 grade point scale or equivalent except where the minimum grade required by the college for graduation is greater; then the minimum grade for graduation must be used for eligibility. The Gamma Nu Chapter requires a minimum grade point average of not less than 2.7 (Chapter specific GPA requirement will be adhered to unless extraordinary circumstances deem it necessary to adhere to the General Organization's GPA requirement. Exceptions may not be applied for and are granted by the Chapter at its discretion). Is of good character Is registered to vote, if eligible and qualified Is sponsored by a member in good standing from the chapter in which the candidate is seeking membership
  • Eligibility for Alumni Chapter Membership
    In the event that you are graduating soon and you are interested in becoming an Alpha, but will not be able to do so via Gamma Nu, please read below. We are connected with various Alumni Chapters and can further assist you in this endeavor. Any male holder of an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university may be presented as a candidate for membership in an alumni chapter provided that he: Has been minimally conferred a 4-year baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution (includes accredited online university) Is of good character Is registered to vote, if eligible and qualified Is sponsored by a member in good standing from the chapter in which the candidate is seeking membership
  • Sponsors & Recommendations
    Before a candidate can request an application, he will need the following items: 1. A member who commits to be a Sponsor. A sponsor is a brother who guides a candidate through the Initial Membership Development Process (IMDP) from the Interested Candidate stage through his first full year of membership. He will also write a letter of support for a candidate (to be included in his completed application packet). The qualifications for a sponsor are as follows: Must be in Good Standing with the General Organization and the Chapter via which the Candidate wishes to join Must be Risk Management Certified Must be IMDP Certified Must be an active member of the Chapter through which the Candidate wishes to join for one (1) year AND have maintained two consecutive years of active membership with the fraternity (College Chapters are Exempt) Must NOT have not been disciplined for violation of the IMDP within a 10-year window of their sponsorship; brothers who have been reinstated after expulsion are ineligible to sponsor candidates Must complete the Sponsor section of the candidate’s official application and have it notarized 2. A member who commits to be a Recommender. A recommender is a brother that will write a letter of support for a candidate (to be included in his completed application packet). The qualifications for a recommender are as follows: Must be in Good Standing with the General Organization and the Chapter via which the Candidate wishes to join Must be Risk Management Certified Must be IMDP Certified Must complete the Recommender section of the candidate’s official application and have it notarized 3. A Major Credit Card to process national initiation fees.
  • Completing An Application
    The following items are required and MUST accompany your application upon being submitted: The Original Application (SHOULD BE IN COLOR) Official College Transcript (NOTE: Alumni candidates should have transcripts that show their degree has been conferred.) One Letter of Sponsorship One Letter of Recommendation Proof of Voter Registration (Proof of citizenship from country of origin, visa or permanent resident card for candidates not eligible to vote in the United States); voter application will NOT be accepted Essay Current résumé Current passport photo Confirmation of payment of background check Confirmation of payment of national initiation fees Two (2) Photocopies of the entire application packet (SHOULD BE IN BLACK AND WHITE)
  • Application Fees
    (subject to change) The following are the application fees based on classification according to a candidate's official transcript. The fees include a $275.00 non-refundable application processing fee, $60.00 non-refundable background check, initiation fee, intake assessment, grand tax (membership fee), National Housing and Building Assessment, copy of Alpha Phi Alpha's Constitution & By-Laws, shingle (membership certificate), passcard (identification of membership), volume 1 and volume 2 of the official Alpha Phi Alpha history book, Sphinx pin, fraternity pin, Alpha blazer, and shipping and handling fees. Alumni - $1,366 College Freshman - $1,276 College Sophomores - $1,201 College Juniors - $1,126 College Seniors - $1,051 NOTE: Your classification is based on how you are identified on your academic transcript provided by the institution. All fees must be paid with a major credit/debit card via AlphaNet. To learn how much it costs to be a member, please click here. ADDITIONAL FEES The following fees are collected as a candidate progresses through the IMDP process. The Cluster Fee is non-refundable. The Regional and Chapter Fees are subject to a refund if the candidate is rejected or removes himself during the IMDP process. Cluster Fees: supports the administrative execution of the IMDP process that includes; costs of food, paper copies, Ceremonies and Ritual essentials: Collected during Friday of Week 1. Regional Fees: if applicable, supports a candidate's participation within the region of his intended chapter of membership, such as, registration to attend a regional convention. Collected during Friday of Week 3. Chapter Fees: is candidate's membership dues of his intended chapter of membership. The chapter fees (chapter dues) may not exceed two years. Collected during the Friday of Week 3, or at the discretion of the Chapter. The Regional and Chapter Fees are collected during the Friday of Week 3. The candidate is to work closely with his sponsor to obtain the expected amounts PRIOR to beginning the process.
  • The Do's And Dont's To Declare Interest
    Whether you would like more information or are extremely interested in becoming a new member please be advised that there is a certain etiquette surrounding declaring your interest that varies from organization and chapter. While we encourage you to do self-guided research, you do not have to be well-versed on every aspect of the Organization or Chapter to declare your interest. We are here to help you understand what the Organization and Chapter have to offer and the ways in which you can be a valuable asset to them both. However, discretion is a valued attribute in this journey. We require all interested men to communicate their interest in the Organization and Chapter privately to members only. Ways to communicate: In Person: Be mindful of the event and the environment. It is still preferred that aspects of discretion be met when declaring interest in public. Email: The most professional way to declare interest or simply inquire for more information is via email. The website offers various ways to connect via email. Phone Call/Text Messaging: If you have the contact information, feel free to use it. A phone call is appreciated, but we live in an age where a lot of us are more efficient via text message. If you choose to send a text message please be sure to give your full name Social Media DMs: A handful of Chapters do not prefer being contacted via social media direct messaging. However, Gamma Nu values efficency and convenience of the community it serves in being able to connect with the Chapter. If the most convenient way for you to connect with us is via social media DM then by all means, send us a message. However, please maintain a level of professionalism. No matter the method you choose, if you are declaring your interest, alongside your full name also provide email address, major(s)/minor(s), cumulative GPA, anticipated graduation date, and any organizations you are or plan to join. If you are sending an email please include your most up-to-date résumé if applicable. Ways NOT to communicate: Social Media Timeline: While we do not mind contacting us through direct message, please do not declare your interest or inquire about joining the Chapter via public timelines, walls, comment sections, etc. Through A Friend/Family: We understand that there may be uncertainty when it comes to reaching out to strangers. However, new members are what keeps this Chapter running and moving forward. We want to hear from you. However, we want that conversation to happen between us and you. Please do not have your friend/family - whether Greek Life affiliated or not - contact us on your behalf. Other Public Methods: If it can be seen, read, or heard by individuals who are not apart of the Chapter we ask that you do not use it to declare your interest or inquire for more information.
  • Misconceptions
    If I don't meet the Chapter/National GPA requirement I shouldn't show up to an Informational Meeting - On the contrary, you should. A huge advantage to membership within this organization is access to its network which includes individuals from all studies and backgrounds. We look to better the Penn State Community regardless of your official membership, declared interest, or affiliation with the Chapter. Please reach out to us as we may be able to provide resources that may assist you academically. If I am not 100% interested in Alpha or have attended another organization's Interest Meeting I will not be able to join - This is far from the truth. In fact, Gamma Nu has insisted those who have expressed interest in joining to do thorough research and attend interest meetings of other organization's to ensure that this is the right fit for them. We recommend that you make it clear, if asked, that you are gathering more information when taking this approach of research as that communicates a different message than "I am interested in joining _________". It may be that you are interested in learning about the organization, but have not yet committed to joining. Gamma Nu does not penalized individuals from researching their options as Alpha is our top choice, but may not be yours... and that is okay. I cannot engage with the Brothers in public setting s - The nature of joining exclusive organization can naturally be intimidating. However, we are students like you. When discussing your interest or related information we ask that you are discreet. However, for anything outside of Alpha please do not feel like you cannot approach and engage us. I must be a person of color to join Alpha - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated is not exclusive on the basis of what you look like. We welcome all interested men to seek membership into Alpha by way of Gamma Nu as long as you are willing and qualified to uphold its name. If I am not able to join Gamma Nu I shouldn't reach out to the Brothers - There may be situations that prevent you from being able to pursue Alpha by way of Gamma Nu (.e.g you're graduating, you won't have the required GPA before graduating, it is not the right time, etc.). We understand that life happens and it happens differently for every one of us. Please reach out to us and connect. We may still be able to offer you guidance in the future and will support your pursuit no matter the Chapter you ultimately choose. If I am not offered an opportunity to join the Chapter the first time I will not be offered an opportunity in the future - This misconception, when held, prevents a lot of people from achieving success. There are plenty of current members who will tell you how many times it took them to be offered the opportunity. This is not necessarily a negative thing. Each situation is different and sometimes there are limitations or circumstances that are beyond our control that affect new membership windows. If you are not extended an opportunity please continue to reach out to us and stay connected.
  • Additional FAQs
    Please click here to read additional FAQs that may answer any questions not answered above.
Apr 25, 2018, 7:06 PM
Willard Building, Room 373
Interested Men Only - Joining The Gamma Nu Chapter or an Alumni Chapter. Please read additional details about this event.


(If you do not have a résumé or would like assistance updating it, please reach out to us for assistance)


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First of All,  Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All


Alpha Phi Alpha


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Pennsylvania Association of Alpha Chapters


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Bro. Asar S. Saint Lamont


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© 2011 Alpha Phi Fraternity, Incorporated | The Gamma Nu Chapter | The Pennsylvania State University | All Rights Reserved


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